Friday, June 20, 2008

The saddest song i've ever heard!


I added this song today because of a blog post i saw on chatty mouth:

This sad had a sad story behind it awell (as do all sad songs i believe), Edi Fitzroy was on his way from devorce court in 1994, when he stopped by the studio and recorded this, he cried the entire time, if you listen careefully you might hear him crying.

All in all this is a great song, he loves and hates at the sametime. it is a lovers rock tune (whatelse), and it will be released on the AMAZON IN LOVE compilation album next month (July 2008).

Blessed love and thanks for visiting our blog. be sure to a leave a comment, they are important. Jah guide, and keep bless in the reggae soul trap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

United Reggae, thank you for this tune. Sad, but real music.